Assalamualaykum wbt...
Alhamdulillah exam Human Right dah selesai pun semalam.. tiba2 rasa cam jadi student Law sekejap bila dok hafal artikel-artikel segala tu..apapun, subjek ni menarik juga especially bab Right to Fair Trial dan War Crimes... it unfolds more the hidden truth that lies beneath every recent events that made me finally utters, "Oo,patutlah camni..".. YaAllah, semoga semua orang lulus exam Human Right ni,ameen~
Pagi ni terperasan news kat FB, kawan lama Kisas-DQ-sampai sekarang dan bila-bila InsyaAllah dah grad dengan cemerlangnya..terharu saya tengok gambar2 dorang..terserlah betapa jerihnya perjuangan dia di bumi orang yang jauh dari mak ayah tu..u deserved to get the scroll which is so meaningful not just to you, but to dear ummah ...Tahniah sekali lagi to,
Tak lupa juga untuk Kak Lin(a mommy-to-be), Asma'(a mommy to adorable Asiah), Sumi(Sumayyah Al-Masri), Dalela(Kisas junior) and the others, u guys really inspire me!!
Selamat pulang berjuang di alam kerja pula, dan semoga Redha Allah sentiasa bersama kalian~
Battle kami di sini baru nak bermula dalam ertikata yang sebenar kerana bulan June sudah tiba, menandakan waktu untuk bergelut dengan written papers dan oral exams pula..Semoga Allah permudahkan(1000x) untuk semua pelajar yang sedang dan bakal menduduki peperiksaan..baru terperasan, dalam setiap entry tak sah kalau tak cakap pasal exam kan..dah nama pun student lagi.. =)
OK, ni gambar-gambar sekitar aktiviti minggu lepas..Balqis 2nd dental checkup..mulanya,risau juga boleh ke dia cooperate dengan dentist nanti..but alhamdulillah it ended well,not as bad as i thought,huhu..
Oh ya, in case any of u are wondering why, Balqis has completely erupted all her milk teeth before she was 2. Subhanallah, MasyaAllah.. Tapi, mungkin cara saya menjaga giginya kurang betul (i've never put her on toothpaste since she was refused once), so she develops some stains especially in her front teeth,making me feel blameworthy. "Alamak, bersalahnya mama!" (she's a GURL,okay). So, after considering some facts, we'd decided to bring her to the Royal Dental Clinic owns by Dr. Ahmad Hafez, the one that i'm familiar with. Might ring a bell to those who wear braces here too =) Of course she threw some temper, but yeah, the doctor handled it nicely..couldn't agree more that he is a well-experienced one especially with kids, making us definitely will come here again..Alhamdulillah after all~
Forgot to mention here, the bad stains are gone too without any pain that she has to endure, Alhamdulillah again.. The dentist only use a soft brush that twist rapidly with a blue-like paste i-dont-know-its-name. Super-cool~
OK,till we meet again,
p/s: Just dont know how to fix the font problem,sorry!