feel like years since my last post,heh..it's not that i dont have any idea or time,but all that i want to jot it down here just flew away like that..because of my craziness(wujudkah perkataan ini??) over something these days..hehe,i must admit that i've been spending almost half of my time other than family matters and study,by following every single series of HEROES..and now,alhamdulillah(what a big syukur) i've finished up 23series of season one,not 23 chapters/topics from any medical books(huhu)..how silly i am to let that not-so-important-to-be-involved messed up my time..
before that,i fell for Sepi(Kabir Bhatia) but,we ; my hb and I think that this movie offers a quite low morale story when it comes to a love part between a somebody's wife and another man..eventhough it happens to be quite familiar in Malaysia especially among Malays,but dont you think it's wrong? it's just wrong,prohibited.that's it..nauzubillahi min zaalik..btw,this is just a personal opinion,no offence!
back to the Heroes,telling ya,i dont think i am that regret(masih membela diri) because i am for sure learned some values from that. for example,what late Charles said to Peter Petrelli about having a heart that filled with unconditional love..and,how loyal his brother,Nathan Petrelli to give up his big day as a newly elected American congressman to save Peter from explode..how strong Niki's will to fight her so-called multiple disorder personality a.k.a Jessica for the sake of her husband D.L and her son,Micah.Also,how cool for Hiro Nakamura to teleport himself to wherever he wants..and,know what,i've been dreaming last night about travelling time between past and future like Hiro and Ando..oh,such a fantasy but it did a job by really dragging me into it..like my hb always said to me,"mudah terpengaruh dengan movie"..yeah,i couldnt agree more..
but,anyway,i've made an innocent promise to dear myself that i wont start to watch the season 2 series eventhough this morning,i've realized that my hb has moved that big file from his hard disk to the computer desktop,meaning,i can just click it if i want to see it..huhu,what a teaser..so,to dear abang,please make sure that i wont join you or in other words,dont pengaruh me ya to watch that again,hehe =P
so,a new dawn means a refresh to start a new day..i dont know what to write this morning but,seriously i feel like writing..thanks to kak aini and syakirah who have unintentionally motivated me to write something..em,so where to start ya?
OMG,really blank right now..nevermind,this could be a good initial one..will continue soon,InsyaAllah..ok,i leave u with this..
salam,owah shida...nampaknya Balqis cute makin membesar bagaikan juara Ribena:) moga berseri hidup shida n suami dgn keletah anak yg makin membesar...
Salam Murshida!
Ya Allah. Kamu dah ada anak dah ye. Baru ni akak tahu. Ya Allah. Tak sangka sungguh ni. Akak doakan kamu, suami dan Balqis dilimpahkan rezeki dan depermudahkan dalam segala urusan di sana.
*Happy sangat ni bila tahu kamu dah ada anak. Bilalah akak nak kawin pulak ye. Hehe.
slm kak aini..thanks for the doa..moga hidup akak sekeluarga juga makin berseri dgn kehadiran Abdullah dan bakal baby baru.
to kak aya..
thanks akak for the doa n wishes! InsyaAllah,moga2 akak pun cepat dipertemukan dgn sidia yang tepat..saya terbaca hati akak kne curi dlm ur post 'ragut' tue..hehe,ade pape ke? =P
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